Getting rid of bad UX patterns

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Getting rid of bad UX patterns

Intermediate | 4 minutes

So far in our series, we’ve explored how to boost your user experience by uncovering the source of UX issues. In this episode, we’ll take it to the next step, and show you how to solve your UX issues proactively.

Welcome back! So far in our series, we’ve explored how to boost your user experience by uncovering the source of UX issues. In this episode, we’ll take it to the next step, and show you how to solve your UX issues proactively. Let’s dive in.

Taking your user experience into your own hands

To improve your user experience, it’s critical to address all of your user feedback. But there’s no need to wait for the feedback to start – you can proactively work to make sure your users are only seeing top-notch ads. Let’s break down how the Ad Quality tool makes that possible.

Setting notification rules

Let’s say you’ve figured out that a certain ad category, RPG ads, is leading to user feedback. Using the Ad Quality “rules page”, you can set a rule that any time this type of ad shows up in your app, you’ll get a notification.

Each rule you make is defined by a trigger you set – whether it’s ads from a certain game, ads with a certain UX pattern, and more. So, let’s say you don’t want any of your users to see ads from a specific mid-core RPG game – that’s your trigger. Then you can select which of your apps you want this new rule to apply to.

And that’s it! You can create as many rules as you’d like, get notified when the rules are triggered, and even visualize rule violation trends. For example, you might find that this mid-core RPG ad shows up in one of your apps much more than another – or maybe it tends to pop up in certain countries. The more deeply you can understand how your users experience the ads in your game, the better positioned you are to optimize it.

In fact, some Ad Quality rules are automatically created. Like we mentioned last episode, once you report a specific ad on the creatives page, a rule is automatically created, so you’ll be notified if the ad reappears in your app.

Catching problematic UX patterns

Let’s continue with an example from last episode – your users gave feedback about a casino ad with inappropriate content, and you were able to pin-point the ad using Ad Quality tools. This ad had a very high churn rate – what’s next? You can and should report this ad, but that doesn’t stop other ads from having the same UX pattern. So how can you make sure your users have the best possible experience in your app?

The best way to improve your UX is by using the Ad Quality rules page to make rules about UX patterns. But how do you create a rule about a more general and subjective pattern? What threshold can you use to define an ad that might cause UX issues?

On the UX “threshold page”, you can create your own definition of these ads by setting thresholds. So, with each UX pattern you track, like bounce rate, ad duration, churn rate, and more, you get to set the rate that you’re comfortable with.

For example, you can determine that any ad that has over 50% of its clicks as proximity clicks gets tagged. That way you can easily find the creative, and decide if it’s worth keeping, or reporting to the network.

But even if certain creatives that show up in your app haven’t met your specific UX thresholds, you can figure out if they’re trending that way. On the Ad Quality creatives page, you can see the extent to which each creative has specific UX patterns – and if any are approaching a threshold that you see as concerning.

Once you’ve set your UX rules, you’ll never have to wait to hear user feedback – you can ensure your UX will be optimized from the beginning.


And that’s all! This episode, we’ve focused on how to be proactive with your user experience, and how to set rules to optimize your UX from the get-go.

Thanks for joining us for this series about improving your user ad experience. If you missed any of the episodes or want to brush up on what we’ve learned, you can go back whenever you want and access the other courses. And if you want to know even more about getting started with Ad Quality, just contact us, or download the Ad Quality SDK.