Handling user feedback

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Class 39 Optimizing the user ad experience

Handling user feedback

Intermediate | 4 minutes

So far in our series, we’ve covered what the ad experience is and how to boost your ad performance. In this episode, we’ll focus on your users’ perspective, specifically how to handle user feedback about the ads in your app

Welcome back! So far in our series, we’ve covered what the ad experience is and how to boost your ad performance. In this episode, we’ll focus on your users’ perspective, specifically how to handle user feedback about the ads in your app. Let’s get started.

Identifying the source of UX challenges

As we mentioned in episode 1, app developers have a challenging but critical task: maximizing performance to drive growth, while delivering a positive ad experience for users.

So, how can you improve your users’ ad experience? Start by figuring out what impacted it in the first place: look into what feedback your users are giving about the ads in your app.

Let’s say you’re a game developer, and you see that many of your users are giving feedback that they keep seeing a casino ad that’s inappropriate.

Traditionally, many developers would just take this feedback and manually try to determine which ad might be causing it. This might include playing their own game to find the ad that matches this feedback, or reaching out to the network and asking. But you still don’t necessarily know exactly which ad the user is talking about, so you can’t ensure that it won’t be shown again.

But with a deeper understanding of your users’ ad journey, you can locate the source of the feedback and which ad is responsible. There are very few tools that allow you to do this – so let’s focus on how Ad Quality can.

Next, we’ll break down how to accurately investigate the source of user feedback – so you can solve the issue A.S.A.P.

Exploring the user journey

To best understand your users’ point of view, you need to immerse yourself in their ad experience. With Ad Quality, there are two ways to do that: user journey and the “creatives” screen.

Let’s continue with the casino ad example – yesterday, a user gave feedback that they saw a casino ad that was inappropriate. With user journey, all you need to do is enter this user’s internal ID – then you’ll see a timeline of the exact ads they saw in the last 30 days. This includes each of the ads’ performance metrics like impressions, clicks, revenue, churn rate, and more.

You take a look at the ads this user saw yesterday, and as it turns out, on the day and time they gave feedback, they saw a casino game ad. That’s a good sign! This is probably the ad.

To be 100% sure, you take a deeper look at the ad’s metrics to see how it performed. No surprise, the ad has a very high churn rate – so it’s definitely the one! Nice work.

Utilizing the creatives screen

Even if developers don’t have user IDs, they can still use their users’ feedback to narrow down and find specific ads. That’s where Ad Quality’s creatives page comes in. On the creatives page, you can see a full gallery of all the ads your users saw in a given day, plus each of the ads’ performance metrics.

If a user gives enough details about an ad, you can use the creatives page to figure out which ad they’re referring to. Let’s use the same example: yesterday, a user saw a casino ad with inappropriate content. We can use clues they gave to solve the mystery and find the ad.

First, you check the creatives page and view all the ads that popped up in your app yesterday. It turns out there were only 3 casino-based ads – that’s great! You can narrow down your search to 3.

Next, you examine each ad’s performance metrics – the first two have very similar metrics, but the third ad has a very high churn rate. Success! Thanks to the “creatives” page, you’ve found the needle in the haystack and located the inappropriate ad. Now it’s time for the most important step: reporting this ad to the ad network.

Reporting ads

Once you’ve used the user journey or creatives screen to locate the creative, it’s time to take action. With Ad Quality, you can report problematic ads to ad networks directly from the creatives screen and user journey page. This ensures that the ad, and your overall UX, can be improved. In fact, once you report an ad, you’ll get automatically notified if this casino ad ever reappears in your app. We’ll cover this more next episode.

This episode, we focused on the user’s experience, and how to locate the source of user’s feedback and address it. In the next episode, we’ll focus on how to take proactive steps to boost your performance, and explore how to set notifications and rules with Ad Quality. Stay tuned!