Case Study

Random Logic Games is a mobile games studio founded in Birmingham, Alabama.
Their portfolio includes chart-topping word games, including Infinite Word Search and Guess the Emoji.

The challenge

The mediation platform Random Logic had been using for years was falling short of expectations. In addition to lacking key features such as ad monetization A/B testing and enhanced reporting, the platform didn’t provide adequate customer support and guidance. 

Random Logic wasn’t just looking for a platform - they were looking for a partner, with whom they could optimize monetization together.

The solution

Random Logic trial ran the ironSource mediation platform. This gave them access to several key features, as well as the full support of ironSource’s account management team. 

  • User activity reports: Random Logic used these reports to analyze ARPDAU and engagement rate at the ad unit level, remarking, “It's a great report to know if your current strategy or testing is effective.”

  • Ad monetization A/B testing: Random Logic tested various frequency capping settings across a mix of ad units to learn the number of impressions per sessions that would best balance user experience and monetization. 
  • Integration testing: In Random Logic’s words, “integration testing is an extremely underrated feature. Being able to pick a network, and then open my device and immediately see an ad from that network for QA testing saves our team a ton of time and allows us to address issues quickly.” 
  • ironSource API: Random Logic used the API to pull daily mediation data into their own BI stack to help make decisions on instance waterfall position and flooring.

All the while, the ironSource team was offering expert insights and suggestions for optimization, even providing Random Logic with a dedicated analyst. 

“My relationships with my various ironSource contacts is my favorite part of working with ironSource. ”

- Andrew Stone, President at Random Logic Games

In addition to weekly calls, ironSource often met the Random Logic team in their offices to host workshops and walk through quarterly business reviews together, equipping the team with just what they needed to scale their games and monetize effectively. 

The results

The growth Random Logic saw as a result of ironSource’s mediation, as well as the insights they were able to gather, and the support they received from the team, encouraged Random Logic to permanently switch to the ironSource mediation platform after using another provider for years. 

“We were thrilled to finally make the switch to ironSource mediation. We’ve even been able to give direct feedback to the product team and shape future product releases. ”

- Andrew Stone, President at Random Logic Games

The switch to ironSource continues to have a massive impact on how Random Logic manages their ad monetization strategy. 

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