WeatherBug is a top-rated weather app in the app stores, and one of the most popular weather sites in the US. Because many devices come preinstalled with branded weather apps, it can be challenging to convince users to switch over to a new one. For that reason, WeatherBug was looking for a way to get in front of users early in the device lifecycle, before they became attached to a competitor app.
"There are few channels out there that are able to optimize campaigns to such a granular degree"
- Mike Brooks, SVP Revenue at WeatherBug
WeatherBug partnered with Aura in 2018 to do just that. WeatherBug front loads the bulk of their marketing efforts in the beginning of the year, when a significant amount of people are unboxing the new devices they received over the holidays. During these first few months of the year, Aura recommends WeatherBug to new device owners in the US as they set up their new devices, using targeting and optimization technology to specifically focus on high value user segments for WeatherBug. Throughout the partnership, Aura has driven more than 7 million on-device installs for WeatherBug.
“We love ironSource Aura and have been partners leveraging Aura for distribution for a long time. There are few channels out there that are able to optimize campaigns to such a granular degree, and also give us the opportunity to get ahead of our competitors. Being able to meet users directly on devices in the first few moments of onboarding has been crucial for meeting WeatherBug's scale and retention goals," said Mike Brooks, SVP Revenue at WeatherBug.