
Twice a year, AppsFlyer - a leading mobile attribution company - releases their industry standard Performance Index, a mobile app market research report which highlights the performance of mobile media sources. The 8th edition of the Performance Index covers the second half of 2018, and includes ROI, retargeting, and growth rankings - covering 20B app installs and 39B app opens across 11,500 different apps.

In H2 2018, ironSource doubled its market share, overtaking Unity Ads at #4 and catching up with AppLovin at #3. Google and Facebook maintained their majority share of the market, but remained stable, compared to ironSource which is growing exponentially.

In terms of ROI, ironSource ranked second to Facebook and Google in all game categories, and only second to Facebook in the casual category - a testament to ironSource’s targeting and data science capabilities.

The Performance Index Volume Ranking

Volume ranking is based on the total number of non-fraudulent installs and number of apps running with a specific source. In the mobile app market research report, ironSource ranked top 4 globally for gaming across all sub-categories.  

The Performance Index Power Ranking

Power ranking combines volume and retention. ironSource ranked top 5 globally for gaming across all categories.

The Growth Index

The growth index is calculated by comparing install growth, number of apps growth, and average installs per app growth.

ironSource was the third fastest growing mobile marketing company globally and the only large scale company to appear on the growth index. This indicates that while other major companies struggle to increase market share, ironSource continues to drive high levels of growth according to the mobile app report. 

The Global ROI Index

Second to Google and Facebook, ironSource is the third strongest network for driving game advertiser ROI.

ironSource ranked in the same position for driving non-gaming advertiser ROI, having jumped 2 spots since the last report.

“In in-app install advertising, it is worth noting that although Facebook and Google’s combined market share is significant, it’s not growing … Interestingly, we found that their share in the non-gaming space was 45% higher than in gaming. The reason for this is that several premium SDK networks have been focussing their efforts to meet the demands of gaming apps, leading to an increasingly larger piece of the pie.”

Category Highlights

ironSource ranked second to Facebook for driving ROI for casual games.

ironSource ranked in the top 5 for driving ROI for midcore and strategy games.


ironSource ranked in the top 4 for driving volume for casual games, having risen 3 spots since the previous AppsFlyer mobile app market research report. 


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