Case Study

Ranked as one of France’s top app publishers, MWM develops and publishes top consumer apps - ranging from their well-known DJ app, edjing Mix, and music editing apps, like Beat Maker Pro, to AI-powered apps such as ColorPop and Swipewipe.

With their large portfolio of over 50 apps and 600M downloads, significant resources are required to run MWM’s user acquisition campaigns effectively. As a result, a top priority for the Paris-based publisher is creating greater efficiency in their marketing channels.

As a part of their creative production pipeline, MWM utilizes Unity Playworks (formerly known as Luna Create). This playable ads solution enables publishers and studios to easily create their playables in-house. To drive greater efficiency in MWM’s testing for these playables, the team at Unity introduced the publisher to the Unity Playworks’ A/B testing tool, Dynamic Playables. 

Hear from Maxime Heguy, Playable Ads Manager at MWM, on how Dynamic Playables helped MWM save time and resources by automating their playable A/B tests, speeding up the playable production process and ultimately reducing testing costs by 60%. 

On the lookout for time and cost-cutting tools 

“Playables make up a significant portion of our user acquisition campaigns. We rely on them to hook users on our titles since they’re a reliable way to get users engaged. But, finding high-performing playable creatives is costly - the testing process alone for playables takes considerable resources and time. As a result, we’re always on the lookout for new ways to improve playable production and testing efficiency. 

To help drive efficiency in our playable testing, the team at Unity suggested we implement Dynamic Playables, their automated A/B testing tool. Since we already had extensive experience with their solutions, using Unity Playworks for our in-house playable production, we knew we could lean on their expertise. We started integrating the tool into our playable pipeline for the majority of our apps. 

Driving efficiency with the Unity Playworks’ IPM optimizations

For our music editing apps, we use playables that illustrate how users can play with tracks through our apps. An important aspect of the success of these playables is which tracks we include to be edited. Finding which songs work best is a large part of our testing methodology for these playables. 

In another example, from our Color Pop AI coloring game, we asked users to color in outlines that we generate, employing AI for some. For these playables, the outlines we use are a strong determinant of their success. 

With Dynamic Playables we were able to speed up the testing process for both genres. Specifically, the built-in IPM (installs per mille) optimization for the ironSource network enabled us to find winning songs and outlines with 3x fewer impressions than we’d need without it. 

To illustrate: Color Pop AI would previously require 50,000 impressions per playable to test which concept would be a winner. Now, with the Unity tool we’re able to find the winning playable using less than 15,000 impressions. The automations of the tool also enabled us to run these tests without the sizable amount of manual work or cost usually required. 

Speeding up playable testing 2x and cutting testing costs by 60%

In February 2024, after utilizing Dynamic Playables, we were able to test over 90 playable variations in 4 tests. Each test required only 1,000 to 4,000 impressions per playable variation to confirm a statistical winner. This rate is a considerable improvement in time and resource efficiency, enabling us to test more playables in less time, with fewer impressions. We’re now able to find a winning playable in just 3 days, a 300% reduction in time spent testing.

This time-saving has directly translated into cost reduction. Thanks to the speed and efficiency we’re now able to achieve with the A/B testing tool, we’ve cut our playable testing budget by 60%. 

The increase in cost-effectiveness is thanks to the expertise of the Unity team and the quality of their solutions. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Unity and utilizing their products to drive even greater results.”

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